[Campaign-news] New k-centers

Kai Kohlhoff kohlhoff at stanford.edu
Thu Feb 11 17:46:26 PST 2010

Hey Marc,

Yes, pretty cool, and the way it it supposed to work with regular C++ (I know that).

Could you please try this with, e.g.:
__global__ void assignCluster(int N, int g, int *assignments_d, float *distances_d, float *dist_d);

That's where the standard fails.

I would like to be able to call the kernels directly from any program that uses them, rather than having to rely on a 'middle man' such as kcentersGPU().  It increases flexibility.


On Feb 11, 2010, at 5:37 PM, Marc Sosnick wrote:

> Kai:
>>> For your example, the kcenterGPU.cu file should not be included, but rather linked in during the link phase, and instead a kcenterGPU.h file included in the users' projects.
>> Hi Marc,
>> That all sounds good and I am looking forward to talking more about this tomorrow.
>> I just have a quick remark to the last bit of your email.  I am not sure that using an extra .h file is even possible.  Do you have an example? For all I know, it is not supported that kernels be split into a header and a source code file (e.g. keywords like __global__ are not supported in a separate header declaration).  The .cu in principle IS the .h file containing both declaration and definition.  It does work for your timing object, since you are not actually implementing GPU kernels, but I would be (very positively!) surprised if this would work for kcentersGPU.  If you have a solution I am very eager to hear about it.
> It actually works like a charm.  All the .h file does is have forward declarations of functions that allows the compiler to continue compiling.  The compiler essentially says "here's where this function call goes, let's wait to the linker to put the address in."  NVCC precompiles the .cu file, then gcc links the .o file in which contains the actual definition of the function.  So, all the .h file contains is essentially the line that you're using now  (for example):
>       void kcentersGPU(int N, int K, float *data, int *assignments, float *distances, float *generators, int seed);
> Pretty cool, eh?
> Marc
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Kai Kohlhoff, PhD
Stanford University
School of Medicine, Bioengineering
Stanford, CA 94305-5448, USA
T: ++1 (650) 724 1575
E: kohlhoff at stanford.edu

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