[Campaign-news] list from meeting

Marc Sosnick marcsosnick at mac.com
Wed Feb 17 16:08:53 PST 2010

Bill, Kai:

Thanks for the meeting Friday.  Here's the list of todos, unordered,  
from the meeting.


Marc to gather coding standard specs and discuss with group
Marc to refactor and cleanup code before release (after standard chosen)
Marc to create makefile in parent directory which contains config info.
Marc to create util directory.
Marc to break apart DataIO into data and device selection objects
Marc to optimize DataIO investigating long read time
Marc to add command line parsing to DataIO object (or parser object?)
Marc to move kcenters_CPU -> kcentersCPU
Marc to add message string to timing object to display during summary
Marc to talk to Mike regarding legalese on FEATURE
Marc to fix documentation - add nD kcenters
Marc to add kmeans to doc mainpage
Marc to remove old kmeansGPU1D (repository and from documentation)
Marc, Kai, Bill to add more detailed documentation about each algo
Marc to turn each kernel into proper objects
Kai to investigate legalese header to go at top of files
Kai to commit kmeansCPU
Kai to commit self org map algo
Kai to commit kmeans variant
Kai to make kcenters nondeterministic (in terms of output order)
Kai to decide on size limits for current algos, Marc add to  
Kai to benchmark new algos to be committed
Kai, Bill, Marc to set release date
Marc to review release with Mike Wong, et. al., before release

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