[Compucell3d-users] Second announcement 6th International Symposium
on Networks in Bioinformatics, Amsterdam, 22-23 April, 2009
Jaap Kaandorp
J.A.Kaandorp at uva.nl
Tue Mar 31 01:35:26 PDT 2009
22-23 April, 2009
Science Park Amsterdam
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Details about registration are available on
The 6th International Symposium on Networks in Bioinformatics (ISNB 2009)
is scheduled on 22 and 23 April 2009 and is likely to continue its success
from previous years in bringing different disciplines together to discuss
ongoing research in bioinformatics and biology of networks. The focus of
6th International Symposium on Networks in Bioinformatics will be on
biological networks such as metabolic networks, signal transduction pathways and
genetic regulatory networks. This year we also aim to include topics like
modeling of cells, tissues, gene regulation and biomineralisation. We also
want to invite researchers working on gene networks in plants (e.g. Arabidopsis),
model organisms such as Drosophila and organisms with a relatively simple and
basal body plan such as sponges and scleractinian corals.
Understanding of these networks is crucial for understanding molecular and
cellular processes in the organism or system under study. This field is
subject of lively research and both experimental and computational
approaches are used to elucidate the biological networks. The
bioinformatics of biological networks involves a broad range of research
and approaches. Research includes the identification of regulatory
elements in DNA, developmental biology, genome context analysis, modelling
and simulation of pathways, reconstruction of pathways from experimental
data, visualization of pathways, and the representation of pathways in
database, graphs and mark-up languages.
Mark Q. Martindale (University of Hawaii, USA), Mark Biggin (Lawrence Berkely National Laboratory, USA),
Noam Kaplan (Weizmann Institute Israel), Filipa Alves (Center for Developmental Biology, Portugal),
Shannon K. Mcweeney (Oregon Health and Science University, USA),
Yves Fomekong Nanfack (University of Amsterdam), Armand Bankhead (Knight Cancer Institute, USA)
Dr. Jaap A. Kaandorp
Section Computational Science
Faculty of Science
University of Amsterdam
Science Park 107 (new address name from 1-1-2009)
1078 XG Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 20 5257539 / +31 20 5257462
email: J.A.Kaandorp at uva.nl (please note new email address from 20-5-2008)
fax: +31 20 525.7419
URL: http://www.science.uva.nl/~jaapk/
See for the 6th International Symposium on Networks in Bioinformatics
22-23 April 2009 in Amsterdam http://isnb.amc.uva.nl/isnb2009/
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