[Dissemination-aoi] Dissemination Update - January 26, 2010

Joy P. Ku joyku at stanford.edu
Tue Jan 26 14:01:00 PST 2010

Dissemination Update 

January 26, 2009


Feedback requested:  


Possible ideas for Simbios News column for next 2 issues of BCR.  

Current ideas:  Protein Mechanica, Lower Limb Model and model repository,


Last week:


.         Event planning for spring/summer to-date

o   2/22, 6-8pm:  RNA meeting at Biophysical Society Annual Meeting

o   2/25, 3-5pm:  OpenMM and Zephyr workshop at Stanford's NNIN workshop

o   3/1-3/2:  OpenMM workshop

o   End-March:  RNA workshop in Chicago

o   8/19-8/20:  SimTK workshop

o   Way too much time spent looking for a room for OpenMM workshop!


.         OpenMM - tested new released and reviewed/updated documentation


.         RNA book chapter- Compiled everyone's edits;   one more round of
major editing by Sam & Jeanette + final review by all planned before
submission, targeted for 2/10


.         Simtk.org, Simbios, and ncbcs.org websites - continue updating
and testing 



This week:


.         OpenSim/Neuromuscular DBP 

o   User's guide - assign tasks;  first check-in is this Friday (1/29)

o   NMS Physiome kick-off meeting with Marco and EU collaborators 


.         OpenMM & OpenMM Zephyr

o   Set up registration for & draft and send out OpenMM workshop
announcement (3/1-3/2)

o   Draft framework for Zephyr workshop on 2/25


.         RNA DBP

o   Announcements for RNA meeting need to go out ASAP

o   Arrange room set-up and food? for RNA meeting

o   Get date & time/format set for Chicago RNA workshop

o   Book chapter - review Sam's edits and update for Jeanette's review;
"final" version for everyone's review to go out early next week


.         Dissemination planning

o   Citation metrics - find way to simplify and update on website

o   Create list of unique workshop attendees


.         BCR - Set up interviews for Simbios News stories

o   Will be writing 2 of them, one for this issue and one for next while
out on leave

o   Potential topics:  Protein Mechanica, Lower Limb Model and model










Joy P. Ku

Director of Dissemination

Simbios, Stanford University


(W) 650.736.8434 

(F) 650.723.7461

Email:  joyku at stanford.edu

Website:  http://simbios.stanford.edu


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