[Simbiosnews] NCBC Showcase, OpenSim 3.0 Release, OpenMM in the Cloud, and more....

Joy P. Ku joyku at stanford.edu
Thu Oct 18 23:13:54 PDT 2012


>> Simbios Research Highlight  


Computational Drug Discovery for Cancer-Related Receptor CXCR4

Structure-based ligand discovery for the protein-protein interface of
chemokine receptor CXCR4, PNAS (2012); 109(14):5517-22


In collaboration with Simbios, UC San Francisco researchers Dahlia Weiss
and Michael Mysinger explain how they used computational methods to
identify effective drug leads for the receptor CXCR4, which is involved in
both cancer and HIV.  Hear them describe their study at




>> Simbios News


 <http://meetings.nigms.nih.gov/?ID=15208> National Centers for Biomedical
Computing (NCBC) Showcase in November 

A large Simbios contingent will be headed to the NIH next month for the
NCBC showcase.  With a keynote by NIH director Francis Collins and
highlights of NCBC achievements over the past eight years, we invite you
to join us.

November 8-9, 2012;  NIH, Bethesda, Maryland

Registration Deadline:  October 26, 2012


 <http://simtk.org/home/opensim> OpenSim 3.0 Released Today

OpenSim is a software package for musculoskeletal modeling and simulations
of motion.  This much anticipated release contains many new features,
including interactive model editing, scripting in Matlab, and improved
muscle models.  Download the latest version at
http://simtk.org/home/opensim.  You can also view a recording of the
webinar introducing the 3.0 release here
=011a94b4a47e5e52> .


 <http://simtk.org/home/opensim> OpenMM in the Cloud

OpenMM allows for accelerated molecular dynamics computations on GPUs.
And now you can benefit from it without access to a GPU.  As part of a
recent workshop <https://simtk.org/home/mdseriessep2012> , we have made
OpenMM available through Amazon's Web Services, so you can use their vast
computing resources to run OpenMM.  To learn how to do this, download the
file OpenMM_Amazon_Instructions.docx from here
<https://simtk.org/project/xml/downloads.xml?group_id=161> . 


le-in-ireland-and-vpc.html> OpenMM Mention in Amazon Blog

OpenMM was used as the example to showcase Amazon Web Service's expanded
GPU access.


NMSBuilder for Patient-Specific Musculoskeletal Modeling Now Available

As part of the NMS Physiome collaboration, we are pleased to announce the
release of the first version of NMSBuilder, a free and user-friendly
software toolkit for developing OpenSim musculoskeletal models from
patient-specific biomedical data. The application  integrates the
multimodal data fusion functionalities of the Multimod Application
Framework with the OpenSim API. 




>> Simtk.org Project Highlight


 <https://simtk.org/home/kneeloads> Grand Challenge Competition to Predict
In Vivo Knee Loads - New Data Set Available

Data for the fourth grand challenge competition are now available.  This
rich data set of CT, motion, strength, and geometry data enable
researchers to validate musculoskeletal model estimates of muscle and
joint contact forces in the knee.  Results of the competition are unveiled
during the American Society of Mechanical Engineering's Summer
Bioengineering Meeting.



>> Upcoming Events and Opportunities                                   


 <http://meetings.nigms.nih.gov/?ID=15208> National Centers for Biomedical
Computing (NCBC) Showcase

Featuring keynote by NIH director Francis Collins and highlights of NCBC
achievements over the past eight years

November 8-9, 2012;  NIH, Bethesda, Maryland

Registration Deadline:  October 26, 2012


1&title=Webinar-Creating-Simulation> OpenSim Webinar:  Creating
Simulations with Real World Data - A Case Study of Obese Locomotion

November 1, 2012 


 <http://www.sel.uniroma2.it/Mod4Sim13/> Model-Driven Approaches for
Simulation Engineering Workshop - Call for Papers

Part of the IEEE Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation

April 7-10, 2013;  Bahia Resort, San Diego, California

Submission Deadline:  November 1, 2012


 <http://cmbbe13.sci.utah.edu/> Computer Methods in Biomechanics and
Biomedical Engineering - Call for Papers

Featuring a special session on dynamic musculoskeletal simulations chaired
by Scott Delp and Ajay Seth from Simbios

April 3-6, 2013;  Salt Lake City, Utah

Submission Deadline:  December 14, 2012



Simbios <http://simbios.stanford.edu/>  is the NIH-funded center on
physics-based simulations of biological structures, supported through
grant U54 GM072970 as part of the National Centers for Biomedical
Computing <http://ncbcs.org/> .




Joy P. Ku, PhD

Director,  Simbios <http://simbios.stanford.edu/> 

Director of Communications & Training, NCSRR

Stanford University


(w)  650.736.8434, (f)  650.723.7461

Email:  joyku at stanford.edu


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