[Simbiosnews] Workshop: Parameter Estimation for Biological Models, Aug. 8-11

Joy P. Ku joyku at stanford.edu
Mon May 19 11:00:50 PDT 2014

TITLE: Tutorial workshop on parameter estimation for biological models

WEBSITE:  <http://rtg.math.ncsu.edu/workshop/>

LOCATION: North Carolina State University, Raleigh NC

DATE:  August 8-11, 2014

The NC State Research Training Group on Parameter Estimation for
Mechanistic Biological Models ( <http://rtg.math.ncsu.edu>
http://rtg.math.ncsu.edu), funded by NSF, will run a tutorial workshop on
Parameter Estimation for Biological Models between August 8th and 11th.
(The dates of the meeting are intended to facilitate travel for people
attending the SIAM Life Sciences meeting in nearby Charlotte, NC.)

Mathematical modeling of biological systems is a rapidly growing area of
research. Typically, some (and often many) of a model's parameters and/or
states are unknown and have to be inferred from the available data.
However, for many systems only partial observations are available. Much
effort has been devoted to solving this problem. Some of the key questions
considered in this context are: How sensitive is a model's output to
changes of its parameters (sensitivity analysis)? Which parameters can be
estimated uniquely from a model's input and output (identifiability
analysis)? What are the uncertainties of parameters estimated by fitting a
model to data? How are predictions of a model impacted by uncertainties in
its parameters (and structure) (uncertainty quantification)? 

The workshop will cover these concepts at the introductory level with the
special emphasis on illustrating their practical application. The meeting
will be in form of tutorials combined with discussion. In additions,
participants will get the opportunity to use the methods on concrete

The workshop is aimed at graduate students and anyone interested in
learning basic techniques associated with modern methods of
identifiability theory, parameter estimation, and uncertainty
quantification in models arising in biology. Tutorial lectures will be
accompanied by hands-on computer exercises so that participants will get
the opportunity to use the methods on concrete problems. 

Confirmed speakers include Joseph DiStefano III (UCLA), Johnny Ottesen
(Roskilde University, Denmark), Tom Banks (NC State), Nikki Meshkat (NC
State) and Ralph Smith (NC State). 

Further details about the workshop will appear at
<http://rtg.math.ncsu.edu/workshop> http://rtg.math.ncsu.edu/workshop

Individuals wishing to participate should contact
<mailto:msolufse at ncsu.edu> Mette Olufsen (  <mailto:msolufse at ncsu.edu>
msolufse at ncsu.edu ). Full consideration will be given to applications
received by June 10th. Financial support is available to a limited number
of US students and postdocs. If you wish to request financial support
please attach a copy of your CV and ask your advisor to email a letter of
recommendation to us. 

On behalf of the co-organizers: Mette Olufsen, Alun Lloyd and Adam Mahdi.


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