[Simbiosnews] Postdoctoral Fellowships at Stanford University in Human Movement Data Science

Jennifer Hicks jenhicks at stanford.edu
Fri Nov 7 09:42:57 PST 2014

Simbios Community -

We have several openings for postdoctoral fellows at Stanford. We encourage
all interested and qualified applicants to apply. Please also forward this
announcement to your colleagues and students. Information about these
positions is included below and also on our website

Best wishes,
Jen Hicks


The Mobilize Center at Stanford University (mobilize.stanford.edu), a newly
established National Institutes of Health (NIH) Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K
<http://bd2k.nih.gov/>) Center for Excellence, has openings for several
Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellows.

The proliferation of devices monitoring human activity, including mobile
phones and an ever-growing array of wearable sensors, is generating
unprecedented quantities of data describing human movement, behaviors, and
health. Mobility data is also being collected daily by hundreds of clinical
centers and research laboratories around the world. Gaining insight from
these massive and complex datasets will require novel algorithms for
large-scale data processing and machine learning.

The Mobilize Center is bringing together leading data science and
biomedical researchers to integrate and understand these data using
innovative data science techniques, combined with state-of-the-art
biomechanical modeling. The Center is led by Scott Delp, along with
co-investigators Trevor Hastie, Jure Leskovec, Christopher Re, Stephen
Boyd, Jennifer Widom, Abby King, Russ Altman, and Margot Gerritsen. Current
driving biomedical problems include weight management through the promotion
of physical activity, running injuries, osteoarthritis, and cerebral palsy.

We are searching for outstanding creative individuals to develop and apply
novel data science tools to study human mobility and health. The ideal
candidate will have strong research skills in data science and biomechanics
and experience developing computational methods. Prior experience with
wearable sensors, statistical learning, optimization, game theory, software
development, medical informatics and other data science methods is

*Interested applicants should:*
(1) Send a letter indicating their interest and experience, a CV, and
copies of two representative publications via e-mail to
mobilize-center at stanford.edu.
(2) Complete the short online form
(3) Arrange for two letters of reference to be sent to
mobilize-center at stanford.edu within two weeks of submitting (1) and (2).

We encourage applicants to also send links to software or simulations that
they have developed. The review of applications will begin immediately and
continue until the positions are filled.

*Stanford University is an affirmative action and equal opportunity
employer, committed to increasing the diversity of its workforce. It
welcomes applications from women, members of minority groups, veterans,
persons with disabilities, and others who would bring additional dimensions
to the university's research and teaching mission.*

*Jennifer Hicks, Ph.D.*
Associate Director | NCSRR
R&D Manager | OpenSim <http://opensim.stanford.edu/>
Stanford University
650-498-4403 | jenhicks at stanford.edu
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