[Jamboree_jul10-news] Important OpenSim jamboree information

Jeanette Schmidt jeanette.schmidt at stanford.edu
Tue Jun 29 16:03:30 PDT 2010

Dear OpenSim Jamboree participants-
Thank you for your interest in the OpenSim Developer Jamboree.   We are very excited that you will join us and ask that you begin to prepare. 
The workshop is designed to accelerate your research with OpenSim, so our joint success requires that you come with a specific, achievable project that you would like to accomplish during the workshop.  At the start of the workshop, you will present your goals; please use the attached powerpoint "TemplateWorkshopGoals"  to prepare two slides;  it might help to also  look at the attached "SampleWorkshopGoals" slides.  
We’d like to collect your goals slides ahead of time and would appreciate you sending them to us no later than Tuesday  morning (July 6th).  
This will in some cases allow us to help in refining your goals and also help in going through your presentations efficiently.  Please let me know if you have questions about the goals slides or anything else. If you can send your goal slides this week, please do.

At the end of the workshop, you will let everyone know what you achieved.  

The workshop will begin at 9am on Monday, July  12 and will conclude at 4:30pm on Wednesday, July 14, (see attached agenda), and 
 will be held in James Clark Center at Stanford University Rm. S361.  There is a link to Logistical Information from the OpenSim Developer Jamboree site, which has the necessary information to plan your trip.  Please feel free to contact me, or Blanca Pineda (mailto:bpineda at stanford.edu)  with any questions.
We look forward to seeing you at the workshop - and please send your slides no later than Tuesday morning (July 6th).
Jeanette  (on behalf of the OpenSim Team)

Jeanette P. Schmidt, PhD
Executive Director,  Simbios 
National Center for Biomedical Computation
Stanford University
318 Campus Drive West
MC 5448
James H. Clark Center S231A
Stanford, CA 94305-5448
o: (650) 736-2671

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