[Mdseriesmarch10-day1] Issues building OpenMM

Daniel Russel drussel at gmail.com
Fri May 20 15:51:19 PDT 2011

I'm not sure who this is going to, but here goes. I'm finding building OpenMM on my Mac to be not at all straight forwards. My platform is:
Mac OS 10.6 with OpenCL support.
Python 2.7 from mac ports
OpenMM 3.0 source downloaded from the web site.
swig 2.0.3

So far:
- when I build OpenMM (the C++ lib) I get
/swig_lib/python/extend.i:160: Warning 303: %extend defined for an undeclared class OpenMM::System.
./swig_lib/python/extend.i:147: Warning 303: %extend defined for an undeclared class OpenMM::NonbondedForce.
./swig_lib/python/extend.i:121: Warning 303: %extend defined for an undeclared class OpenMM::Context.
among other warnings. The files are in a directory with doxygen in the name so it is not clear they are important

- when it is installed, the library ids and paths are not set properly so linking against them doesn't work well (a few calls to install_name_tool fix this).

- I had to change the setup.py for the python module to remove the -m32 as python won't load the 32 bit library generated with -m32

- when I try to use the python bindings, simtk.openmm.System is not found (and, indeed dir(openmm) doesn't list it).

Trying to use the mac os build from the web site:
- when I try to run the python/setup script I get
package directory 'simtk/unit' does not exist

Any pointers? Thanks.

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