[Nmsm-updates] [Stroke Grand Challenge Competition - announcement] First Stroke Grand Challenge Data and Models Now Available for Download

Kayla Pariser kp62 at rice.edu
Fri Feb 2 14:02:01 PST 2024

First Stroke Grand Challenge Data and Models Now Available for Download on

We invite you to learn about and participate in the first Stroke Grand
Challenge Competition
using the Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling (NMSM) Pipeline
<https://nmsm.rice.edu/> (powered by OpenSim and Matlab) , OpenSim Moco, or
an optimal control software of your choice. Organized by the Rice
Computational Neuromechanics Lab <https://rcnl.rice.edu/> and held at
the American
Society of Biomechanics annual conference <https://asbweb.org/asb-2024/>,
the competition will provide the biomechanics research community with one
comprehensive post-stroke walking dataset each year to design personalized
stroke neurorehabilitation treatments. Winners of the competition will
receive a certificate, $1,000 cash prize, and fast-tracked review in
the Journal
of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation.

The data and OpenSim models needed to compete in the Stroke Grand Challenge
Competition are now available to download

   - Data: Post Stroke subject
   - Data: Healthy subject for comparison
   - Model 1: Personalized OpenSIm model compatible with the NMSM Pipeline
   - Model 2: Personalized OpenSim model compatible with OpenSim Moco

More details on the competition, data, and models are included in the
Competition Description document in the download (

If you have any questions or concerns please post a message on the SimTK
project forum
send an email to nmsm at rice.edu.

Rice Computational Neuromechanics Lab <https://rcnl.rice.edu/>
nmsm at rice.edu
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