[Vp-integration-subgroup] White paper

Jacob Barhak jacob.barhak at gmail.com
Fri Jan 29 10:24:33 PST 2021

Greeting sub groups,

This email is addressed to both the integration sub group and the model
reproducibility, credibility and standardization subgroup as there is
overlap in some topics and connect.

Both these groups met today and discussed the following white paper drafts:



Here are highlights from the Integration subgroup:

   1. Venue - it was agreed that the first publication will be a
   preparing server such as bioRxiv and then target a major publication such
   as Nature / Science if practical.
   2. There was discussion on adding more topics that attendees specialize
   in such as: 1) different scales, 2) stochastic models
   3. The white paper has a clear overlap with the model reproducibility,
   credibility and standardization subgroup
   4. The group will try to meet again in two weeks - possibly same time

Here are highlights from the reproducibility model reproducibility,
credibility and standardization subgroup :

   1.  The group identified the following flow: Reproducibility to
   credibility to usability to integration
   2. All attendees agreed we should attempt to merge the white papers with
   Integration since integration relies on all the above elements and the
   narrative is similar
   3. There is relevant work on credibility by NASA that was adopted by FDA
   4. There was a discussion on different approaches by government agencies
   to Credibility and academia which is important to note: FDA != DOD != NASA
   != Academia

Since the papers are due in two weeks it is suggested that all those who
could not attend, add material to the documents online.

Discussion on the topics is encouraged in the sub group mailing lists.

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