[Campaign-news] Repository Up, and Timer Object Available

Kai Kohlhoff kohlhoff at stanford.edu
Tue Jan 5 14:43:27 PST 2010

Hi Marc,

Of course it's helping ;)

About the checkout, doing the --username checkout didn't work (using my SimTK password):

$> svn checkout --username Kai https://simtk.org/svn/campaign
Authentication realm: <https://simtk.org:443> Subversion Repository
Password for 'Kai': 
svn: Server sent unexpected return value (403 Forbidden) in response to OPTIONS request for 'https://simtk.org/svn/campaign'

Could it be that a permission is not set, or am I missing something?  I did the anonymous checkout instead (do we want that to be active at this point?).


On Jan 5, 2010, at 2:34 PM, Marc Sosnick wrote:

> Kai:
> Once you checkout, you no longer need to worry about --username, etc., it is stored in the repository metadata.  So, to start, you'd find a directory you'd like to install the repository, and do the svn checkout --username developername https://simtk.org/svn/campaign.  This will setup the directory structure and download the files.  Then, if you modify something, you then type "svn commit" from within the svn'd directory to commit your change.  Checkout is sort of the first step, like checking a book out of the library before you read it at home.
> One other thing that you might want to look at.  The Makefile in the kcentersGPU1D directory might need to have paths changed depending on where you've installed your CUDA SDK.  The good thing is, however, that this makefile allows you to plant the repository anywhere you wish on your system.
> Also, please note that I have not fundamentally changed anything in either of the kcenters directories, other than paring down unused files to the old subdirectory.  I'm going to see if we can't get away with keeping the individual project areas as a flat directory instead of having the even deeper directory structure, which can be painful to use and difficult to maintain.
> The next thing that will be going up is the smoke test, which I already have working.  I wanted to get this early code into the repository so that we'd have a base to return to before we start heavier code modification.
> This is all a work in progress right now, so feel free to email me with any questions; they help me as much as they do you (assuming I'm helping!)
> Marc

Kai Kohlhoff, PhD
Stanford University
School of Medicine, Bioengineering
Stanford, CA 94305-5448, USA
T: ++1 (650) 724 1575
E: kohlhoff at stanford.edu

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