[Dissemination-aoi] Dissemination Update - July 20, 2009

Joy P. Ku joyku at stanford.edu
Mon Jul 20 11:06:30 PDT 2009

Dissemination Update 

July 20, 2009


Last week:


.         Strategic planning

o   Monthly metrics - mostly updated
(http://wiki.simtk.org/dissemination/CurrentMetrics).  Have started to
track those using OpenSim for their research (and who cite the OpenSim
paper).  Waiting on BCR numbers and alumni updates

o   Goal setting - reviewed goals set for this June (mostly met;  see
below);  started setting goals for renewal and next June


.         Renewal

o   Testimonial letters requested for cardiovascular DBP - 3 positive
responses so far 


.         BCR

o   Interviewed Greg and Xuhui for "Seeing Science" article featuring


.         Simtk.org

o   Worked with individuals on setting up specific projects


This week:


.         Send out template letters for cardiovascular DBP letter writers;
send out requests for myosin DBP

.         BCR

o   Draft of MSMBuilder article

o   Review ideas for NewsBytes

.         Complete strategic plan for renewal and next year

.         Review RFA for OpenSim dissemination

.         Simtk.org website

o   Prioritize website projects

o   Review projects and user profiles for appropriateness



Goals for June 2009 - status

1.	Established means for collecting all needed metric data   -- MET
except for collecting stories/feedback on software & collaborations &
number adopted material for use in courses.  
2.	Identify 3 applications to be developed on top of SimTK Core
outside of the neuromuscular community  -- NOT MET (shift in focus)
3.	Create partnership so that one other MD package besides GROMACS is
using OpenMM - PARTIALLY MET (AMBER starting on integration)
4.	40 stories/testimonial letters collected about use of Simbios
software and/or data (~10 / major application)  -- NOT MET, starting now
5.	Additional 400 people trained on Simbios software (
<http://wiki.simtk.org/dissemination/OpenSim> OpenSim, SimTKCore, OpenMM,
<http://wiki.simtk.org/dissemination/SimVascular> SimVascular?)  -- MET,
about 430 people trained in last year  
6.	Increase % that acknowledge Simbios grant in Simbios publications
and talks (Need to set #?)  --   MET though metric was not set.  
7.	Increase awareness of Simbios - mention of Simbios and work by 2
external media sources (press, blogs, etc.) per month  -- PARTIALLY  MET  
8.	Increase rate of Simtk.org membership growth by 10%  -- MET.
Approximately 100% growth rate (from 200 new members/month in Dec. 2008 up
to on average 400 new members/month today)






Joy P. Ku

Director of Dissemination

Simbios, Stanford University


(W) 650.736.8434 

(F) 650.723.7461

Email:  joyku at stanford.edu

Website:  http://simbios.stanford.edu


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