[Dissemination-aoi] Simbios Dissemination Update - March 1, 2009

Joy P. Ku joyku at stanford.edu
Sun Mar 8 18:20:17 PDT 2009

Dissemination Update

Week of March 1, 2009


Metrics & dissemination strategy:

                *Metrics updated

                                --OpenMM and press release increased
visibility & # of new members for Simtk.org 

--Big jump in number of simtk.org visitors last month (~7300, typically

--Increase in number of new simtk.org members last month (~400 vs.

--See http://wiki.simtk.org/dissemination/CurrentMetrics for full details

                *Met with Steve Pieper (NA-MIC dissemination director) for
brainstorming about dissemination


                *To be done next week:

                                --Research on ideas for increased
dissemination of SimTK Core




* Report generated for last workshop - compiled survey results +
suggestions for improvement


* To be done next week:

-- Put together example file for users to use to test OpenMM installation
(eventually put up as part of a publication project)

--Planning for next workshop



* Finished framework for OpenSim gallery of examples:


*To be done next week:

       --Survey for workshop


RNA Workshop:

                * Set for Jun 19 at Stanford 


                *To be done next week:

                      --Identify tasks to be completed for workshop



Collaboration with the Physiome project:


* To be done next week:

                                --Review collaboration proposal that was
sent out




                *Tested and provided feedback for installing and running

                *Editing and feedback on issue


* To be done next week:

                --Retest NAST on a clean virtual machine

                                --Editing, as needed


Simbios website:


*To be done next week:

                                --Complete Google calendar and update with
latest events

                                --Update the Peoples page


Simtk.org website:


                *To be done next week:

--Contact individuals (and if possible, sit down with to set up)
publication projects


Cross-NCBC activities:

                *Coordinated event listing and calendar formatting for
cross-NCBC calendar - most likely to go live later on Monday


                *To be done next week:

                --Work with Aaron on final changes to cross-NCBC calendar

                                --Provide specifications on calendar
output for mailing list



Testimonial letters:

                 *To be done next week:

                                --Organize list of names of targets for
testimonial letters



                *Met with Nathan Wilson about a free viewer he has
developed that he'd like to post to the SimVascular repository

                *Received email from Charles Xie of Concord Consortium,
would like to discuss possible collaborations with their Molecular
Workbench;  replied asking to set up a call to discuss further




Joy P. Ku

Director of Dissemination

Simbios, Stanford University


(W) 650.736.8434 

(F) 650.723.7461

Email:  joyku at stanford.edu

Website:  http://simbios.stanford.edu


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