[MDseriesmar2012-news] Updated material on project page

Joy P. Ku joyku at stanford.edu
Mon Mar 12 23:45:26 PDT 2012

Dear Workshop Participants:


It was great to meet everyone today and to put a face to the name! 


I have posted slides from some of the presentations on the workshop
website (https://simtk.org/home/mdseriesmar2012).  This may be helpful for
some of the scripting you do during the breakout session tomorrow.  We
will eventually have all the presentations posted here.


On the site, Lee-Ping has also made available his advanced integrated
exercise that will take you through the process of computing and comparing
the interaction energy between formaldehyde and water for AMOEBA and
OPLSL-AA force fields (he showed the results of this during his AMOEBA
talk today).  For those who are interested, he will be teaching you all
the steps involved in generating these results tomorrow afternoon.


We look forward to seeing everyone bright and early (in the academic
sense) tomorrow!








Joy P. Ku, PhD

Director, Simbios

 <http://simbios.stanford.edu> http://simbios.stanford.edu


Director of Communications & Training,

National Center for Simulation in Rehabilitation Research

 <http://opensim.stanford.edu> http://opensim.stanford.edu


(W)  650.736.8434, (F)  650.723.7461

Email:   <mailto:joyku at stanford.edu> joyku at stanford.edu


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