[MDseriesmar2012-news] OpenMM Workshop Survey + Wrap-up

Joy P. Ku joyku at stanford.edu
Tue Mar 13 13:39:58 PDT 2012

Dear Workshop Participants:


We hope you found the workshop valuable and that you'll take a few minutes
to provide us feedback about both the workshop and OpenMM.  This is the
first time we've taught the "application layer" so your comments are
especially helpful!  You can access the survey on-line:
FBvMWVhR3c6MA or turn in the paper copy of the survey to me at the end of


We provide a number of resources that you may find helpful as you continue
using OpenMM:

a)      The workshop materials are available on the workshop website:
https://simtk.org/home/mdseriesmar2012.  We will have the videos of the
presentations up shortly.

b)      There is an active discussion forum, which is monitored by the
OpenMM team:  https://simtk.org/home/openmm  and then click on "Public

c)      You can also submit feature requests and bugs to the OpenMM
website:  https://simtk.org/home/openmm  and then click on "Advanced" ->
"Features & Bugs"


We hope to see you at future events or on-line!









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