[Mist-support] Setting the seed for transition probabilities

Everett Mumford emumford at uw.edu
Wed Apr 27 12:48:05 PDT 2016

Hi Jacob,

Using RandomSeed seems to be working for my purposes. Thank you as always for the help and prompt responses!

Best regards,

From: Jacob Barhak [mailto:jacob.barhak at gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2016 8:26 PM
To: Everett Mumford <emumford at uw.edu>
Cc: mist-support at simtk.org
Subject: Re: Setting the seed for transition probabilities

Hi Everett,

The simple way is to set the RandomSeed system parameter to a number such as 1 or 2.

You can do this in the parameters form from the main screen.

If you want an example, try looking at this parameter at your file and compare it to the parameter at the following file:

There are other ways to handle reproducibility of simulations, even if the random seed was not set during simulation, yet those are more complicated. If the simple way works for you, I suggest you use it.

Hopefully this resolution is sufficient for your needs.

On Apr 26, 2016 9:22 PM, "Everett Mumford" <emumford at uw.edu<mailto:emumford at uw.edu>> wrote:
Hi Jacob,

Is there any way for me to set the seed in MIST for my transition probabilities? I am hoping to run two different simulations with different transition probabilities with the same seed.

Thank you!

Best regards,
Everett Mumford
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