[Opensimws_mar11-news] OpenSim Workshop Survey, March 2011

jenleehicks at gmail.com jenleehicks at gmail.com
Fri Mar 18 11:23:18 PDT 2011

If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out  

OpenSim Workshop Survey, March 2011

Thank you for participating in the OpenSim Workshop. Please help us by  
filling out this survey. If you have trouble with the survey, please email  
me at jenhicks at stanford.edu

Your name You can leave blank but we highly appreciate critical feedback!  
It is also helpful for us to follow up on comments or questions you have.

How long have you been using OpenSim?

Less than three months
Less than a year
Over a year

What was your main reason for attending the workshop Please check all that  

Get a first overview of OpenSim
Stuck on a problem I could not resolve with available documentation or  
through the forum
Guidance on biomechanics research
Meet the OpenSim team

Did you try any other OpenSim resources before deciding to come to the  
workshop? Please check all that apply

User Forum
User Guide

Please rate the value of the following aspects of the workshop: Score each  
item from 1-Not Valuable to 5-Extremely Valuable

Not Valuable (1) 2 3 4 Extremely Valuable (5)

Day 1: Scaling / IK / ID Lecture

Day 1: RRA & CMC Lecture

Day 1: Model Components Lecture

Day 1: Model Editing Example

Day 2: Static Optimization and Joint Reactions Demo

Workshop Handout

Project Work Time

Closing Presentations

If there were aspects of the workshop that were not valuable, please  
explain why. For example, was too much time devoted to the lectures? Were  
the lectures too basic or too advanced?

Did the workshop meet your expectations?


If the workshop did not fully meet your expectations, please explain why.

What were the biggest strengths of the workshop?

What were the top things that could be improved?

Did the workshop enable you to use OpenSim in a better way?


If you answered "Partially" or "No", please explain why

Please describe a task that at first appeared difficult, but now appears  
easy or feasible

Please describe a task that still appears difficult or impossible to  

What other simulation software do you currently use? Please check all that  


Which OpenSim feature is most valuable? Please briefly explain why

Which OpenSim feature needs the most improvement? Please briefly explain why

What is the most important feature missing in OpenSim? Please briefly  
explain why

Would you be willing to contribute to the OpenSim project in any of the  
following ways? Check all that apply. Be sure to provide your name so that  
we can follow up with you.

Develop and share OpenSim plug-ins
Develop and share biomechanical models
Be a beta tester for new OpenSim releases
Be a moderator for the OpenSim discussion forum
Organize a local OpenSim users group
Present a talk on how you use OpenSim
Contribute a movie of how you have used OpenSim
Run an OpenSim tutorial or workshop at your local institution

Do you have any additional thoughts or comments?

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