[Population Modeling] Re: PopModWkGrpIMAG-news Digest, Vol 3, Issue 17

Jacob Barhak jacob.barhak at gmail.com
Sat Jan 17 14:32:04 PST 2015

Hi John,

These are relevant points that open many threads of discussion. I will try
to be brief.

Topic 1: We do consider non living populations as part of population
modeling. And yes,  there is a tie to uncertainty in engineering design.
However,  biological systems are generally much more uncertain.  Therefore
we will probably be leaning towards living populations with a few
exceptions. Tony Hunt has a nice diagram that shows this diffeence between
enginnering and biological systems. Tony,  do you have a link to a video
from a talk describing this diagram you can share?

Topic 2: Yes,  you are correct, new High Performance Computing (HPC)
capabilities open up opportunities in this field. So our field,  like many
others,  is partially driven by new technology. Yet being restrictive with
definition tied to specific technology may be counter effective. So we are
looking at a broad range of technologies and applications.

Your new topic:  Can you start by looking at the examples in the paper we
assembled? Would you consider all the examples there falling under the lay
definition of population modeling? Or would you exclude some?

I hope my answers were brief enough. We are still growing in size and
should be aware of comunication volume. When replying to messsages try to
avoid quoting all previous text. Fortunatly the list automatically
redirects long messages for moderation to help keep communications compact.

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