[Population Modeling] Collective Paper submitted to SpringSim 2015 Work In Progress

Jacob Barhak jacob.barhak at gmail.com
Fri Jan 9 00:13:11 PST 2015

Hello All,

Thanks for all your contribution for the paper. The paper was just
submitted to SpringSim 2015.

You will find the submitted version using this link:

I assembled the paper as best I can within the short time I had and made
some changes, mostly typos and reference extraction and formatting.

I would ask that while the paper is reviewed by the conference committee,
we would review each part of our own text. So everyone who contributed
text, please look at the paper in their own section and if issues are
found, please alert me by posting to the list a message with the subject
"SpringSim paper correction".

Once the review is received, I will upload it to the list to discuss it..

Again thank you for all your contributions and I look forward to
continuation of the discussion to help define our field.

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