[Vp-integration-subgroup] [Vp-reproduce-subgroup] Reminder to vote on white paper Venue - CONTIBUTORS - Please ACT by 4/16
James Glazier
jaglazier at gmail.com
Mon Apr 12 15:17:03 PDT 2021
James A. Glazier
On Mon, Apr 12, 2021 at 12:40 PM Jacob Barhak <jacob.barhak at gmail.com>
> Greetings White paper Contributors,
> This is your chance to decide on the venue. If you name is on this list,
> please take a few minutes anv vote for the venue:
> Jonathan Karr
> Rahuman Sheriff
> James Osborne
> Gilberto Gonzalez Parra
> Eric Forgoston
> Ruth Bowness
> Yaling Liu
> Robin Thompson
> Winston Garira
> Marcella Torres
> Hana M. Dobrovolny
> Tingting Tang
> William Waites
> James Glazier
> James R. Faeder
> Currently one vote was cast and unless there will be more votes, the venue
> voted for will be chosen. So if you have a strong preference, this is your
> chance to influence the publication venue.
> You will find eligible venues below as well as additional details.
> I look forward to your votes.
> Jacob
> On Thu, Apr 8, 2021 at 7:04 PM John Rice <john.rice at noboxes.org> wrote:
>> No objection to any but will VOTE CUREUS.
>> My understanding it was created to provide a peer reviewed open source
>> indexed journal that could accommodate new forms of papers and new relevant
>> topical areas. Good timing for them lifting the limit on references, so
>> assume this paper could be submitted in current form subject only to
>> reviewers’ response.
>> Don’t know that it has a model credibility related topic section yet.
>> John
>> Typed with two thumbs on my iPhone. (757) 318-0671
>> “Upon this gifted age, in its dark hour,
>> Rains from the sky a meteoric shower
>> Of facts . . . they lie unquestioned, uncombined.
>> Wisdom enough to leech us of our ill
>> Is daily spun; but there exists no loom
>> To weave it into fabric.”
>> –Edna St. Vincent Millay,
>> On Apr 8, 2021, at 01:23, Jacob Barhak <jacob.barhak at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Greeting White paper contributors,
>> The old Thread that contained discussions towards creations and approval
>> of the white paper have become too long, so I started a new maling thread.
>> You can find the old discussion thread here:
>> https://lists.simtk.org/pipermail/vp-reproduce-subgroup/2021-April/000052.html
>> To summarize, we have reached a point where 17 authors approved the
>> following version for submission, pending some minor changes like
>> spelling and grammar correction.
>> To avoid any confusion - here is the paper version we approved is here:
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IMEgmdNkx-EsnOjGuegpenSIMmKIkK00Lc8Gred3QxM/edit?usp=sharing
>> At this point we need to select a venue to submit the paper to. Here is a
>> short list I collected after incorporating all the suggestions and removed
>> all venues that had any objections. To your convenience I added additional
>> notes form personal knowledge - I did not look at issues such as
>> publication fees for open access - different venues may have different
>> rules and may require some additional investment, so please look at the
>> venue you are choosing and learn the limitations/benefits before you vote:
>> Here is the short list:
>> 1. Cureus - will require cutting out some references due to limitation
>> 2. Nature - if you vote for this venue please specify flavour such as
>> Nature Scientific Reports
>> 3. Science
>> 4. Briefings in Bioinformatics
>> 5. Trends in Biotechnology - requires distilling the paper
>> 6. Journal of The Royal Society Interface
>> 7. Annual Review of Public Health
>> 8. BMJ
>> 9. Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering
>> 10. F1000research - if you vote for this this venue please
>> specify Gateway / Collection
>> 11. iScience
>> 12. bulletin of mathematical biology
>> 13. Bioinformatics.
>> I ask that each contributor who has a preference among those Journals
>> reply to all to this message and pick one venue. Please pick only one
>> considering all aspects of the venue. You are welcome to include your
>> reasoning, yet vote towards only one venue. You are welcome to change your
>> mind - yet only your last vote will count.
>> In case of a tie in the number of votes, the venue that got the first
>> counted vote will be chosen.
>> After we select, I will put the work to format the submission towards
>> that venue and include all necessary submission matters. In case of fees,
>> those who voted for the venue will be responsible for covering publication
>> fees.
>> At this point I assume no one has any objections to any venues and we are
>> all ok with submitting this version - so we are just prioritizing according
>> to the majority of wishes while keeping the process transparent and giving
>> some incentive to early bird vote.
>> If any of my assumptions are not correct, please correct me now!
>> This is the best way I think we can create consensus in such a large
>> group - and consensus is legally necessary for publication.
>> I ask that we limit the voting time to approximately one week. So votes
>> should be cast by 1am April 16th CDT.
>> I will send another reminder during this week, yet I assume one week is
>> sufficient to make a simple choice of prefered venue and those not voting
>> elect to abstain from choosing and prefer the majority choice.
>> I look forward to your votes.
>> Jacob
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> Vp-reproduce-subgroup at lists.simtk.org
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James A. Glazier
Indiana University
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